Spring 2025
CHEM 102—General Descriptive Chemistry II
Pre- or co-requisites: : CHEM 101.
Synopsis: The course is the second in a two-semester sequence. Solutions, thermochemical changes including conservation of energy, thermodynamics, reaction rates, chemical equilibria including acid-base chemistry, and electrochemistry.
Credits: 3
Location: Chapman 211.
Schedule: MWF 10:10 AM—11:00 AM
Fall 2023
CHEM 754—Inorganic Seminars
Pre- or co-requisites: : none.
Synopsis: Seminars in inorganic chemistry.
Credits: 2
Location: Chapman 125.
Schedule: Tue 11 AM–12:30 PM
CHEM 420—Introduction to Polymers
Prerequisites: CHEM 261 or 261H
Pre- or co-requisites: : CHEM 262 or 262H, or 263L.
Synopsis: Chemical structure and nomenclature of macromolecules, synthesis of polymers, and characteristic polymer properties.
Credits: 3
Location: Kenan - 125B
Schedule: MWF 11:15 AM–12:05 PM
Spring 2023
CHEM 520 (APPL 520L)—Polymer Chemistry Laboratory
Prerequisites: CHEM 420, 421, or 425.
Synopsis: Development and execution of research proposals in polymer chemistry.
Credits: 2
Location: Morehead 401
Schedule: Fridays 1:25PM–5:15PM
Fall 2022
CHEM 721—Polymer/Materials Seminars
Pre- or co-requisites: : none.
Synopsis: Seminars in polymer and materials chemistry.
Credits: 2
Location: Chapman 125; virtual: Zoom.
Schedule: M/Th 4 PM–5 PM
CHEM 420—Introduction to Polymers
Prerequisites: CHEM 261 or 261H
Pre- or co-requisites: : CHEM 262 or 262H, or 263L.
Synopsis: Chemical structure and nomenclature of macromolecules, synthesis of polymers, and characteristic polymer properties.
Credits: 3
Location: Kenan - 125B
Schedule: MWF 9:05 AM–9:55 AM
Spring 2022
CHEM 101—General Descriptive Chemistry I
Prerequisites: Math 110
Synopsis: The first course in a two-semester sequence. Atomic and molecular structure, stoichiometry and conservation of mass, thermochemical changes and conservation of energy.
Credits: 3
Location: Chapman 211.
Schedule: MWF 9:05 AM–9:55 AM
Fall 2021
CHEM 721—Polymer/Materials Seminars
Pre- or co-requisites: : none.
Synopsis: Seminars in polymer and materials chemistry.
Credits: 2
Location: Chapman 125; virtual: Zoom.
Schedule: M/Th 4 PM–5 PM
CHEM 420—Introduction to Polymers
Prerequisites: CHEM 261 or 261H
Pre- or co-requisites: : CHEM 262 or 262H, or 263L.
Synopsis: Chemical structure and nomenclature of macromolecules, synthesis of polymers, and characteristic polymer properties.
Credits: 3
Location: Kenan - 125B; virtual: Zoom.
Schedule: MWF 9:05 AM–9:55 AM
Spring 2021
CHEM 520 (APPL 520L)—Polymer Chemistry Laboratory
Prerequisites: CHEM 420, 421, or 425.
Synopsis: Development and execution of research proposals in polymer chemistry, done remotely but collaboratively.
Credits: 2
Location: Zoom
Schedule: Fridays 1:25PM–5:15PM
Fall 2020
CHEM 420—Introduction to Polymers
Prerequisites: CHEM 261 or 261H
Pre- or co-requisites: : CHEM 262 or 262H, or 263L.
Synopsis: Chemical structure and nomenclature of macromolecules, synthesis of polymers, and characteristic polymer properties.
Credits: 3
Location: Chapman - Rm 201; virtual: Zoom.
Schedule: MWF 9:20AM–10:10AM
Spring 2020
CHEM 520L (APPL 520L)—Polymer Chemistry Laboratory
Prerequisites: CHEM 420, 421, or 425.
Synopsis: Various polymerization techniques and characterization methods.
Credits: 2
Location: Morehead Laboratory - Rm 0305
Schedule: Fridays 1:25PM–5:15PM
Curriculum: On Sakai
Course materials: On Sakai